Serving as a parish pastor in southern Minnesota, David Paul walks with his people the hills and valleys of everyday life. Over forty years earlier, David Paul studied philosophy and English, followed by the rigors of seminary training. It was just before starting at seminary that he was united to Nancy his wife and companion. Since receiving his Masters of Divinity Degree, David Paul and Nancy together have served parishes throughout Minnesota and North Dakota.

     Stimulated by a deep-rooted desire to reach with the Gospel beyond the walls of his congregations, David Paul has written manuscripts in the genres of theology and fiction. He has also authored or co-authored a number of Bible studies and books for Concordia Publishing House, including Pathlight; Faith Alive; My Christian Faith; Free in Christ Free to Serve; Managing Finances; and Communication: A Scriptural Foundation for Marriage. He has served as editor to a District monthly magazine for almost twenty years.

     David Paul has joined hands with River City Press to publish several books.   Great Evil...Good God presents a concise and cogent answer for the dilemma that has faced off with Christianity from the beginning: If God is completely good and limitless in power, why does He permit the terrible evil that we see within the world? Plague of Terror is a Christian thriller weaving together spiritual powers and human intrigue as a plague released by terrorists and Satanists begins wiping out cities around the world. It is a novel of action and romance.

      Tate Publishing has just released The Book of Talyara—The Chronicle of Windwalker in 2008.  A Fantasy in which evil uses magic but good characters the power of Elmigid.

      David Paul completed a compelling three year confirmation curriculum over the last thirty years that demonstrates outstanding results.  The third year course, titled The Reformation Road, is now available on seven DVDs.

     David Paul and Nancy live in Fairmont, Minnesota. They have five children, two dogs and a cat. They are deeply appreciative of the parish family and the staff of Immanuel in which David Paul serves the Lord Christ as Senior Pastor.  David Paul is an avid outdoorsman. 

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Associate Pastor Daul.