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IMPORTANT NOTE:    This thriller was originally published with BookSurge and is still available on the Internet.  The

BookSurge edition is vastly outdated and does not contain the extensive re-editing of the River City Press version.  The cover to the older edition is pictured to the right.

       5 star The following review was give at Amazon.com and campusi.com—Plague of Terror was given a 5 Star Rating:


David Paul follows in the tradition of spiritual thrillers pioneered by Charles Williams (War in Heaven) and Frank Peretti (This Present Darkness), and blends the realm of angels and demons with 21st century bio-warfare. The action is compelling and the stakes go beyond the world: souls hang in a delicate balance between heaven and hell. It takes great discipline on the part of the reader to set this book down at night and go to bed.

Looking forward to seeing the future works of David Paul, as he gains recognition for his entertaining and edifying literature.

