Pastors have a secret.  Most dislike teaching confirmation.  In fact, some pastors have reduced the time frame for confirmation or just plain dumbed it down.  Why?

             + Confirmands  are unexcited about class or the pastor’s efforts

             + Memory work, if included at all in the learning process, is quickly forgotten

             + Completing assignments frustrates students, parents and pastors

             + Teaching materials often don’t meet the needs of different types of

                Learners (visual and auditory)

             + Concepts learned often lack life application

The Confirmation Headache

For over twenty years I have been developing & tweaking a confirmation curriculum that meets and exceeds the above frustrations.


The program is set up for a three year period to integrate Luther’s Small Catechism and 1) Old Testament

chronology, 2) New Testament theology; and 3)

Reformation history and the life of Martin Luther.


Using an adventure format, each lesson includes an

Expedition Sheet  and a Journal Sheet to record what has been discovered along the expedition into new territory.

A totally novel approach!

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